What is the Fixometer?

The Fixometer is the motor behind Restarters.net, the growing community of fixers and organisers. Using our Fixometer tool, members are building a repair knowledge base and logging fixes occurring at the events they run, capturing the environmental and social impact of their work.

You can join the Fixometer RestartersBCN group here.

A key element of the Restart Parties is the blackboard. There, we write down the name of the participants who visit the Restart Party with their broken devices, as well as the failure, the diagnostics and, in the end, whether we could repair it or not. Afterwards, we upload this information in the common database, the Fixometer, enlarging thanks to everybody the knowledge about the most common failures and the possible repairs.

According to the Fixometer, the RestartersBCN statistics today are*:

And the CO2 we have saved thanks to the devices we repaired is the equivalent to the following driven kilometers*:

*These data represent 74% of the Restart Parties we have hosted (the other 26% corresponds to uncomplete of lost blackboards).